Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

Many of The Deerfield Scroll Volume LXXXVIII’s board editors started out as editorial associates in Volume LXXXVII, and we owe much of our confidence and knowledge to the previous board. Though the previous editors were extremely dedicated to and concentrated on their tasks, they were always patient and eager to hand their knowledge down to us. Whether it was putting in the small details like copy edits, or discussing current events in our monthly Opinion/Editorial meetings, the previous board inspired us with their enthusiasm and dedication. The skills and expertise we have witnessed under Editor-In-Chief Kristy Hong’s leadership have given us the resolve to add our own ideas and flair to The Scroll. Taking over the printing of The Scroll will no doubt prove challenging, but we are optimistic that the innovation of the previous Scroll board will inspire us to create a thought-provoking newspaper for the Deerfield community.