Thu. May 2nd, 2024
Courtesy of Chelsea Antero

The Deerfield Triathlon was an ongoing tradition run by Dean of Spiritual and Ethical Life Jan Flaska up until 2017. However, Ocean Feng ’24 and Theo Lewis ’24 sought out to revive this annual event as a means of creating a stronger school community through connecting the Doors with the outdoors. The community collectively engaged in this school event with over 120 students and faculty participating. From the Meat Club making bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches, to the many student photographers scattered around campus, Deerfield pulled off a ansuccessful triathlon despite the four year hiatus.

The Deerfield Triathlon — “a race to celebrate nature” — is a multisport endurance race consisting of swimming, cycling, and running. Deerfield offered two course variations. The Green Course was the longer version with 800 yards of swimming, 9.6 miles of biking, and 3.2 miles of running. The White Course consisted of 200 yards of swimming, 3.2 miles of biking, and 1.9 miles of running. Both of these courses circled the Big Loop and cut through campus filled with many fans cheering on the participants. Athletes could compete in either the group category, where each group member would compete in one of swimming, cycling, and running, or the individual category.  

Lewis’ goal for this event was to  “celebrate nature and bring people outside.” Elle Stearns ’23, winner of the group category in the White course, exemplified this mantra. Stearns said, “I love where I live, and the triathlon was a great opportunity for athletes and non-athletes to come together as one and show thanks to nature.” 

Besides the celebration of nature in this event, the support from the community altogether was a big highlight. “Organizing this function was so easy and made me realize how much our faculty is willing to help out, even on a Sunday morning,” shared Feng. 

Rachel Mark ’23, the winner of the individual category on the Green Course, remarked that her favorite part of the event was the volunteers because of their motivation and support for the participants and the community altogether: “So many people were involved, and everyone was cheering for each other. Everyone took a portion of their day to be outside, which was a big thing.” Stearns added, “It put a smile on everybody’s faces!” 

The revival of Deerfield’s annual triathlon allowed students to appreciate a valley filled with determined peers who are driven to bring the community closer.