Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

An inherently stressful time, winter term nevertheless brings many advantages for overwhelmed and overworked students.

The addition of Dress Down Fridays allowed students to wear what they wanted and to be comfortable throughout the day. The class day ended with Cookies and Cocoa in the Main School Building lobby with Dr. Curtis. It was a chance for students to relieve stress accumulated from the week with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. Massages were available for students at a discount through the Counseling Office and were highly coveted.

With conflicting sports schedules, all weekday sit-down dinners were cancelled. This brought more flexibility and freedom to evenings usually dedicated to homework.

The addition of peer tutors, who are now available every school night in the library for those seeking further help in their studies, has proven to be a great tool. The expanded availability of tutoring at the peer level has been well received and much appreciated.

Going now into February, we should strive to maintain this stress-free atmosphere on campus and appreciate the efforts made by the school and various organizations to decrease our stress levels.