Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

This fall a residential curriculum entitled Connect4 was introduced through corridor conversations and a freshman class overnight at Camp Beckett in the Berkshires.

The faculty spearheading Connect4 are English teacher Michael Schloat and history teacher Rebecca Melvoin, both members of the newly created Residential Program Committee.

When planning the program, Ms. Melvoin said one of the biggest concerns was faculty and student participation. “One thing we were worried about was student and faculty buy in.”

Assistant Dean of Students Amie Creagh added another factor: the tendency of such programs to be another item in students’ and faculty members’ already packed schedules. “It is meant to be integrated into the day,” she said, just like feeds or other weekly dorm activities of past years.

Ms. Creagh believes that the program has been successful, especially with the help and support of the proctors. “A key component in the program’s success to this point has been proctor leadership,” she said.

As Connect4 rolls on into winter and spring, “The faculty will take a bigger role,” said Ms. Melvoin.

“The first couple months were really driven by faculty organizers,” affirmed Mr. Schloat. “Eventually, we want to give control to proctors and faculty residents.”