The calculator traces a path of educational integration that AI can follow. In essence, AI is an advanced and more powerful version of the calculator that can be applied to…
I have just received the November 11 issue of The Scroll which does not express the Deerfield Academy I once knew. The juvenile article about Choate and its students is…
As a staff member and the parent of an alum, I found the tone and the sentiments inane and disappointing as well as just plain embarrassing, and I have to…
Spring at Deerfield is a looming beacon of hope for every student who feels they are slipping into hopelessness as the snow continues to fall and the path to the…
Milk should be available to those who want and will drink it instead of carelessly being pushed upon all sit-down tables where oftentimes much is left untouched...
In the five months since Commencement, I’ve had to reconsider the niche I found at Deerfield as editor of The Deerfield Scroll, captain of the math team, co-captain of the…
I dream of returning to the village of Las Charcas in the Dominican Republic in ten years to see a cluster of ten families living in ten homes built by…
Student participation and enthusiasm in these initiatives, including the student-run Environmental Club, are essential to Deerfield’s continuing progress in embracing change to become a greener school...
I’d long anticipated the shock that such thorough reformatting of my life’s environment might have had on my freshman year, but really what I’ve realized is how ready I was…
Four years ago, I stood up for the cause and wrote proposals to the Hungarian government, planned integration projects, and pushed myself in order to acquire a good education under…