Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Connect4 and freshmen groups have scheduled an agenda for next month that promotes discussion over important issues presented in The Laramie Project.

Peer counselor David Hamilton ’14 said, “We will talk about how homosexuals are viewed in today’s culture, and what we can do about it here.”

While the play deals with the topic of sexuality, the Connect4 program hopes to go beyond that and dive into ethical issues, encouraging discourse on treatment of others.

“The goal is to start a conversation about ethical issues and how we act as a community towards each other,” said Connect4 organizer Sam Bicknell.

Connect4 will use the play as one example of how intolerance in a community can have grim consequences.

“The play is a good transition into a conversation that we should have,” Head Peer Counselor Daniel Rivera ’13 said.