Sun. May 12th, 2024

The Disciplinary Committee has added a new punishment in response to an ambiguous off-campus drinking incident that occurred last year. Called “warning,” it will serve as a middle step between a letter for reprimand and suspension.

“A warning is a letter of reprimand, but if you commit the same violation twice, you will be expelled,” said DC member Justin Schlacks ’13.

“It’s a great way of bridging the gap between a letter of reprimand and suspension,” agreed fellow committee member Dean Citrino ’14.

Unlike probation, warning is only applicable if you repeat the same offense, which results
in dismissal for any category of school rule violation.

“We have had cases where one [punishment] felt too heavy and [the other] felt too light,” Dean
of Students Amie Creagh said.

Ms. Creagh hopes a warning will clarify some of the more ambiguous cases.

“I think that warning will be used for cases that would have been a letter of reprimand,” said Schlacks, “making it a harsher punishment.”

Fellow committee member Jon Victor ‘14 said, “The warning system provides some flexibility for us to evaluate each case individually and select punishments according to the unique circumstances of each case.”

Ms. Creagh said the change will not affect how the committee evaluates school rule violations.

The deans and student committee members hope that warning will serve as a fairer punishment in cases that would have been suspensions.

“I hope [warning] allows us to respond to nuances in some cases,” Ms. Creagh said. “If it feels like a one-size-fits-all-response, you’re less likely to learn from it as a student.”