Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Deerfield offers many trips, but this year the Academy has revived the famous “Classics” trip. This year Latin teacher John Burke will lead a journey into ancient Greek and Roman history.

Over eighteen days Dr. Burke and 16 students will explore parts of Europe commonly associated with the “classics.” The first half of the trip will be spent in Greece, exploring Tolo, Delphi, and Athens. For the second part of the trip the group will move to Italy and visit Naples and Rome, with a daytrip to Pompeii.

The Classics trip originated in 2004 and returned in 2007, making this the third time students have had this opportunity. The trip focuses on ancient artifacts as well as history, and the group will spend most of the time at archeological sites and museums. The trip is not exclusive to Latin students, but is in fact open to all students wishing to explore ancient history.

Dr. Burke explained that trip will “lend concreteness” and help students feel the “immediate reality” of the languages themselves. They will have the opportunity to see first-hand the remnants of the civilizations and languages they study. Dr. Burke hopes the trip will give his students an incentive to delve more deeply into their studies, and help them understand the scope of the Deerfield curriculum.

By giving the students packets that describe the sights they will be seeing completely in Latin, Dr. Burke will ensure that the study of the language will accompany ancient history and art on the trip.

From June 4 to June 21, students will explore the ancient world of the classics and have the exciting opportunity to travel across Europe and unearth history.