Sun. May 5th, 2024

The new Greer Store and Fitness Center are undoubtedly excel­lent, beautiful, and expensive facilities, and they reflect the generos­ity and love for Deerfield held by our graduates, their families, and friends of the community.

Why, then, is it nearly impossible to find a table free of trash and mess in the Greer? Why was Mr. Greer himself picking up students’ trash shortly after the opening? Is the Deerfield community incapable of cleaning up after itself?

To disrespect Deerfield facilities is to disrespect the Deerfield com­munity itself – the workers, fellow students, teachers, and benefac­tors who all cherish the stunning campus we are so lucky to have.

Perhaps we can look to our seniors to promote this community clean-up spirit – policing the facilities as enthusiastically as senior grass would undoubtedly lead to a spotless campus, one reflecting true Deerfield values of being worthy of one’s heritage.