Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Student Council recently resolved to prepare significant changes to the student handbook by winter break. While the current DA to Z ostensibly serves as an outline of the school’s expectations for student behavior, students have often been confused by ambiguous wording and have questioned the relevancy of certain policies.

Such issues came to a head this fall, when changes made over the summer prompted discussion about student say in new rules. In light of all this, we applaud Council’s initiative to increase student involvement in revising the handbook.

The Council plans to reinstate the distinction between “major” and “minor” school rules, outline the procedure for the removal of students from leadership positions, and update the dishonesty and dress code policies.

Rewording of the same-sex parietals policy aims to clarify questions raised at the start of the school year. These changes should secure greater accountability in the disciplinary process and reinforce a student’s right to represent himself or herself in D.C.

Council hopes that the revised document will resolve uncertainties about school policy, emphasize our status as a “two-strike” institution, and boost student-faculty trust on campus. We approve of this student-influenced handbook.