Thu. May 16th, 2024

How long have you been at Deerfield?

8 years.

Favorite thing about Deerfield?

Woah. Deerfield the institution or Deerfield the location in America? Favorite thing about Deerfield, the place, is just that it’s in Western Massachusetts and I love Western Massachusetts. Great place to be. Deerfield the institution, I think I just love that it’s constantly so actively engaged in the creation of its own narrative.

What did you do before Deerfield?

I taught at another school for two years. 

Most annoying thing about Deerfield students?

Annoying Deerfield students? I can’t even imagine such a thing. 

What’s something people don’t know about you?

Probably like most things? Ooh! When I was in high school, I was in a hip hop dance crew. I was the one white kid.

Favorite book and why?

That’s very loaded for English teachers. For a long time, I used to say The Baron in the Trees by Italo Calvino. But then I haven’t read it in so long that I feel like I can’t really say that anymore. I love teaching the Odyssey. But I haven’t taught it this year and I won’t teach it this year. So that makes me sad. But also, it’s all good. And I love love, love teaching Under the Feet of Jesus (by Helena Maria Viramontes). It’s just a really, really good book. And every time I get to read it, and watch students learn to understand it, I’m reminded again of how great it is. Great book.