Tue. May 14th, 2024

Every Senior Fall, students scramble to list the activities that sets them apart from every other high schooler applying to colleges. Below is the standard Deerfield Academy student’s Common Application activity list.

Credit: Lily Lin

Head Babysitter, Deerfield Academy Big Brothers Big Sisters

Sacrifices Friday nights wandering around the Athletic Center for an hour and a half of uncompensated babysitting. My favorite part is the evening debrief and filling out the reflection form that always loads with the WiFi in the dining hall basement.

Commits Graphic Editor, Self Employed

Run my own startup off my iPhone editing pictures of Deerfield’s biggest commits. DM me a photo, school, and five dollars and you can have your very own one-of-a-kind sports edit. Notable teams I’ve edited for include Dartmouth lacrosse, Harvard hockey, and DA quad squad.

Greer Store supplier advisor, Deerfield Food Committee

Spend my Tuesday lunches eating with my fellow food committee members and discussing the lack of avocado and acai in the dining hall. Also occasionally help cook dinner for my peers, serving undercooked We Toss and taking pictures in chef outfits.

Game Coordinator, DSPN

Transcribe daily game schedules from the Deerfield athletic website to the DSPN Instagram, along with designating a theme like beach, ’80s, or Misanthropes. Also serve as host of our own Instagram DSPN talkshow, wearing a collared shirt and tie, but no pants, and carrying around a sportscasting table.

Community Engagement, Proctor

Continuously disrespected by my proctees. I had to start locking my door out of fear they would redecorate my room or steal my clothes and sell them. They do not appreciate the food I give them every week. Also free babysitting.

Manager, Boys Varsity Lacrosse

Help organize the boys’ walk down to the field by the most melodic and popular instrument ever created: the bagpipes. Create spreadsheets for the parents to sign up and provide feasts for the players after the game. Orders cigars en masse for the parents.

President, Deerfield Alliance of Alliance leaders

Organize bi-weekly meetings to talk about the importance of having alliances. Always bribe people to come with Dunkin’ Donuts or Big Y pizza.

Committee Member, DC/AHC Committee

Keeping kids out of trouble since 1797.

Buzz writer, the Deerfield Scroll

Waits until the last second to write Scroll articles about college, after they thought they were done with their applications. Does anyone even read these?