Thu. May 9th, 2024
Credit: Allyson Xu

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Pay off my student loans, invest a bunch of it, and then I might go shopping for a new car.

What was your least favorite and favorite subject in school growing up?

My least favorite was chemistry; something didn’t click. I liked to write, and I was a sociology major in college, so I wrote a lot. It’s kind of a cool way to express yourself.

What is your dream vacation?

I’ve never been out of the country, besides Canada, so really anywhere across the pond. Italy would be really cool to visit, as well as some Eastern European countries.

What has been the most surprising thing about DA that you have found?

How invested all the faculty are into giving all the students the best possible experience that they can get!

What is your favorite place to work on campus?

In terms of just sitting behind the computer, I honestly don’t mind just sitting in the dining hall. It’s more open and there are more people in there, and somehow I’ve just been very productive there.