Wed. May 8th, 2024
Credit: Annabelle Martin

Rest and relaxation is something all students crave in the middle of the day. Luckily, they have community time, which allows students fifty-five minutes of free time between first and second period. There’s an almost infinite amount of things students could do during this time—from catching up on extra work to taking a nap. But if you’re going to do something in community time you need somewhere to do it, and while you might not realize it, these locations can reveal a lot about your personality!

Dining Hall: You like DIY food— from toasting your own bagels to a bowl of cereal. You want to get some work done but also like sitting at a table and talking with friends. This is about as neutral as you can get. A blend of work, eating, and study. 

The Koch Cafe: You like food even more than the Dining Hall group, so much so that you’re willing to fork over your One Card to get a vegan brownie. You really like socializing with other students, as everyone is crowded together at those tiny tables. You insist that you have work that must get done during this period, but you know too well that the all consuming chit-chatting will get the best of your attention. And don’t lie, you definitely cut the line. 

The Library: According to a student survey, this is the most popular destination for community time, so you’re kinda basic. You’re also serious about getting your work done, unless you’re one of those people who’s always with your friends in the basement. You could also be a senior having a meeting with your college advisor, discussing all the tasks that fill up your agenda and the many things that make you original. You are either one of the most productive students at Deerfield, or you procrastinate your work until the last minute and have no option but to do it during this time. 

The Dorm: You either really want to focus on studying, take a quick power nap, call your family, or want somewhere quiet to relax. However, this year, this location could also mean you simply want to go on your phone due to the new phone policy. If you’re on the other side of mainstreet, I applaud you for making the trek over every community time. Or maybe you’re just recluse. 

While there are many more places you could spend your community time, these four are the most populated with students at 10AM. If you do not go to one of these four locations during community time, some would call you original, or maybe you’re just trying to be different. Or maybe you like variety and do not have one set location. If you are looking for your friends or peers during this time, these are the first places you should look!