Thu. May 9th, 2024

I wonder what these girls would’ve done if I was a mean ghost. I don’t recall ever dying sheets violet, or giving the creeps in my afterlife, but perhaps my memory of the past century is faulty. Though I do remember this one group of girls in particular. They were terrified of me, but all I ever did was walk down the hall of Poc I, and maybe mess with a trash can or two. My crime against the trash caused them to feel the need to “cleanse” the building, as if I’m some kind of disease. Last time I checked I was here first, but what do I know? 

For the past however many years, I’ve just been roaming around more discreetly to avoid any contact with the living. Everything was going great, I was able to walk as I pleased, the girls I shared the space with slept peacefully, everything was as it should be. Until, inevitably, the past came back to haunt me. Who would have thought? 

“Did you hear? There’s a ghost in Poc!” 

“Are you serious? That has to be fake, people make stuff up all the time.” 

“There’s this old Scroll article that talks about her, look!”

“Violet the ghost…” 

And of course news got around about my oh-so interesting past of walking around halls and scaring innocent people. Of course, the next logical step for these girls was

“-Ouija board! We should try and speak with her!” 

“Oh my gosh, that’s such a good idea. Do you think she’s evil?”

Perfect, just what I needed, some nosy kids trying to communicate with the dead. For a moment, I thought about messing with them afterwards. Watching them run down the hall and slamming the door behind them was rather entertaining. They were having their fun, so I thought “Why can’t I do the same?”

“Did you guys hear that! That was totally her right? I mean it was clear as day!” 

“This is starting to freak me out guys…” 

“She was nice; come on she didn’t do anything malicious.”

Whatever they heard, it wasn’t me, but I’ll let them continue to make their own assumptions. What’s confusing is that my ghostly presence isn’t nearly as strong as some of the other spirits in this valley, and yet the focus is on me. It feels almost undeserving. 

You have ghosts like Eunice Williams, whose stories are much more interesting than mine. All I’m known for is messing with young girls for my own entertainment, which isn’t even all that true. She has a real story behind her death, and her spirit is still here for real reasons. No one knows why my spirit remains in Poc. Matter of fact, I don’t even know why my spirit remains here. All the other ghosts have some “unfinished business” they need to take care of. Seeing a relative, getting to experience something for the first time, finding justice and truth after death. Then there’s me, Violet the ghost, messing with people’s trash cans. 

A small part of me is thankful for the attention, it makes me feel special since I’m constantly surrounded by spirits with purpose. Then again, I know that the attention is mostly negative and largely because these teenage girls  are rather bored. 

So I’ll just continue to wait patiently for the next chapter of my existence to start, whatever it may contain.