Thu. May 9th, 2024
Credit: Annabelle Martin

How long have you been working here?

This is my fourth year.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is the Boyden Library, specifically the space in the reading room that looks out on the fields.

What is one of the fun- niest interactions you’ve had about the class you teach on terrorism?

There are so many. When I was introduced to the student body I was introduced by a coworker who wanted to make sure everyone knew that I was not teaching a how-to-class on terrorism. The best interaction though was probably during my first year, when a student totaled my car on Main Street and the police and the ambulance came, and the student was hysterical, obviously. The policeman asked, ‘How do you two know each other?’ and the student looked him dead in the eyes and said, ‘We do terrorism together. She teaches me terrorism,’ which is technically not wrong. You could just see this look in the cop’s eye, like, ‘this is my moment.’ So anyways, I had to explain.

What is your favorite food from the dining hall?

Raspberry Cookies because they are the best cookies. There is absolutely no competition. They are a perfect snack, dessert, and breakfast. They are just perfect.

The best or worst advice you have received?

Be yourself; I am a Gemini so I have, like, six personalities, so I don’t know which that refers to.

Are you in the CIA?

I have a rejection letter from the CIA that I would be happy to show anybody. I spent ten months interviewing for an analyst position at the CIA, unbeknownst to me they had a hiring freeze because it was during the recession. I applied and interviewed for ten months, but I was ultimately rejected.

An assumption people always make about you?

I think people often assume that because I am always energet- ic and enthusiastic, I can’t also be serious.

When you were younger, what did you think you would be when you grew up?

First I thought I was going to be an actress. Then, be chief medical examiner of Los Angeles so that I could do autopsies on actors and actresses. Then after that, I thought I was going to marry Nicholas Cage and be a kept woman. My decision after that was to be a spy.

What’s at the top of your bucket list?

Skydiving or taking a boat up the Nile, as I am learning to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. Actually, forget skydiving. I just said that because I felt like I needed to conform. I actually hate the idea of skydiving. I really genuinely just want to go to Egypt.

What is a fashion trend that you would like to bring back?

Jean on jean.

Do you have a favorite song right now?

I have really been getting into the Lumineers, so I think ‘Ophelia’ is always a good stand by.

Favorite candy?

Gummy bears, specifically the pineapple flavor or clear color.

Favorite emoji?

The sideways laughing face.