Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Every Tuesday night, I would walk into Johnson 1 with a smile on my face, knowing that Ms. Winsor would be there with her dog Remi. She would greet me with a smile on her face and a cheerful “so, what’s up?” as Remi eagerly pounced on me, barking loudly. The duo brought energy and, most importantly, Magpie Pizza to Johnson!

 Outside of Johnson and in between her admission interviews, she would always empathetically listen whenever I dropped by and randomly ranted about my day. Instead of shoveling advice when I asked her questions, she would gently remind me of my priorities. Instead of telling me what to do, she would answer my inquiries with insightful questions. “What do you think about this?” she always asked before giving me her opinions on my actions. 

I could always count on her to watch all of our volleyball, field hockey, and swim meets. Every time at advisory sit-downs she would tell me, “So Sunshine, I saw you at the game on Wednesday. You did amazing! It seemed really intense, watching you run back and forth on the court.” She congratulated us on wins and ramble on about our amazing performances in the matches. She complimented our efforts and encouraged us whenever we wanted to initiate an event. 

Even though she was new to Deerfield like I was, she never showed it and always made me feel welcomed. She was not only an advisor but also a friend. Ms. Winsor would crack jokes at the sit-downs and roll her eyes like a teenager. I once walked into Johnson 1 and was surprised to find her watching  Netflix with Remi as they both chilled on the sofa. When I inquired about the show, she immediately asked me to join her. Both Ms. Winsor and Remi have become an integral part of my Deerfield experience, and I will miss the duo terribly next year.