What’s your favorite movie?
D: Shawshank Redemption
M: Good Will Hunting
What’s the best place to get a burger?
D: In n Out
M: Five guys
If you could fight anyone who would it be?
D: Francis Dooley
M: Will Kolman
Best Deerfield Meal?
D: Buff Chick
M: Buff Chick
Do you have a name for your future son?
D: Tony Alva
M: Matthew Jr.
Do you have a secret talent?
D: Sticking tape to the ceiling
What’s your favorite team on campus?
D: Rec hockey
M: Boys’ varsity football
Whats your favorite video game?
D: Mario Supersmash Bros Nintendo 64
M: MLB 2k11
What’s the best part of PG life?
D and M: Limited stress, no homework