Fri. May 3rd, 2024
Credit: Madeline Lee

As winter unfolds on the Deerfield campus, students race around campus with boots on, hoping to avoid cold feet. Whether it’s your lab partner in chemistry class or the person in line in the Koch cafe, you can’t seem to escape this reality.

When choosing what brands of boots to buy, Deerfield students are often divided between the “Tims,” Timberlands, or the “Duck,” Bean Boots. While the boots may differ in quality, they both demand a hefty price; many Deerfield students are lucky to be privileged enough to engage in such a debate.

Credit: Madeline Lee

Ever since Sidney Swartz unveiled the Timberlands in 1973, the boots have become an international sensation with celebrities such as Jay-Z, Kanye West and Ri- hanna sporting the golden boots. With its one-of-a-kind craftsman- ship and renowned quality, Timberlands have swept Deerfield culture off its feet. Even the famed Deerfield Step Team has endorsed these boots. You can hear rhythmic Timberland beats echo in the East Gym on any Friday night. These performers dance with finesse and style.

While Timberlands took off, Leon Leonwood Bean, an American entrepreneur, was busy scheming a design for his new L.L. Bean boots in Maine. Originally selling his boots to hunters, Leon rapidly expanded his clientele as

his light-weight, waterproof boots gained traction around the world. Now, Bean Boots can be seen as staples in many people’s wardrobes. This frenzy has made its way down to the Pioneer Valley. Now, even Deerfield students are mesmerized by the boot’s beauty and versatility in the New England wilderness.

Renowned Deerfield Step Team Dancer Joshua Oduro ’21 presentsed his case, “The Timberlands are so clean, so iconic, and so versatile. And just the other day, I accidentally stubbed my toe on a chair and I felt nothing.”

In addition to its protective shell, it also provides irreplaceable acoustics for our basketball team. As varsity basketball player Quinton Quirrenbach ’19 observes, “The step team has provided an incredible atmosphere at our games. Honestly, sometimes I even find myself dancing to the beat. It really gets the juice flowing in the gym.”

Not only the Timberlands protect your vulnerable pinky toes,

they also provide a second-to- none environment; but some people disagree.

Bean boot enthusiast Patrick McKee ’20 commented, “I cannot name a footwear that is more superior than the Bean Boot. They come in a variety of heights so you can always dress for the occasion. Additionally, it is easy to tuck your pants into the the boots to go through any terrain. They are classic prep school style.”

Moreover, senior Mia Burch ’19 recounts her experience of buying a pair of her own, “I was brows- ing a shop in New York one day and I realized Bean Boots were significantly cheaper than the Timberlands! Not only this, the sales- person even guaranteed me a one year return policy if I wasn’t satisfied. Simply the best, or nothing at all.”

This debate has taken over dorm feeds, class discussions, and even sit-down conversations and students have even announced school-wide polls during these meals. Students cannot seem to get enough of the shoes. Yet the age-old question remains unanswered: Timberlands or Bean Boots?

However, whether judging the quality of a boot by its style, comfort, support, durability or return policy, it’s important to note that every design has its own upsides and downsides. Both the Timberlands and the Bean Boots are unique in their own standards, and whichever you choose will ultimately be the right decision.