Sat. May 4th, 2024
Credit: Britney Cheung

What’s your full name?

Deahenn Jarvis, but I was nicknamed Nan because my brother could not pronounce my name.

Talk about your family—spouse, kids, etc. Where do you live?

Credit: Britney Cheung

I live in Miller’s Falls, which is near the Turners Falls airport. I am married and I have one son. He is twenty one years old. I used to play pool and I even went to a couple national tournaments: Vegas for eight ball and Minnesota for nine ball.

Where did you grow up? How did you find your way to Deerfield?

I grew up in this area and lived in this area my whole life. I went to Greenfield High School. I had a couple of friends who worked in the Dining Hall and I worked in the dining hall for over thirty years. Now I clean Denunzio.

What kinds of personal interests do you have? What do you do in your free time?

I love to spend time with my family and crossword puzzles. I am pretty boring in my old age. I am a homebody.

How long have you been working in Denunzio? Have you ever done any other dorms?

I just came over this April, so I have only been here for a short time and I am also in charge of the John-Williams Dormitory. I used to work in Doubleday.

Do you like it here? How do you feel DA has changed over the years?

Yes, I hopefully do because I have been here for over thirty years! When I first started it was only boys and I was able to see the transition from boys to co-ed. I love seeing graduates coming back and recognizing me. I remember when George Knight remembered me back when I was working in the Dining Hall.

Are there any funny moments that you would like to share with us that has happened throughout your time at Deerfield?

Some of the times I find the senior pranks hilarious. One time they stacked the Dining Hall tables, six of them, one on top of each other. Another time that I thought was funny, but my boss didn’t, was when the seniors took all of the silverware from the dining hall.

What is one piece of advice that you would have liked to known before starting your job here at DA?

As a young person, people don’t think about much. I was looking for a job that is secure and long term. I came from working at a drugstore chain as a cashier. I was looking to get into something secure and lasting. Plus, the kids are the best part of the job.

Lastly, what was the menu thirty years ago?

Tastes change. It was definitely more mom cooking—American mom cooking. It’s neat because the apple crisp recipe is the same as it was thirty years ago. There were no vegetarians back then. In the dining hall, it was only meat and potatoes. When someone asked for a vegetarian menu, we would just give them some cheese.