Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
Credit: Madeline Lee

“Ask people genuinely how they’re doing, and listen for and support an honest answer.  Check in with the people you care about, or even those you don’t know as well but could use the support.”

—Nora Markey ’18

“​Never be afraid to ask for help; it doesn’t make you weak, it makes you stronger.”

— Ossie Heard ’18

“Always be willing to branch out and meet new people.”

— Ben Hirsch ’18

“Talk to someone in the dining hall that you’ve never had a conversation with before. The surprise will brighten someone’s day and maybe you’ll make a new friend.”

— Connor Finemore ’18

“Deerfield can be a stressful and taxing environment. Take the time to reflect on how you’re doing, and know when you need to pause, and ask for help. AND, never turn down a trip to the Rock. You only have so many sunsets in the valley, so watch as many as you can from up there.”

— Hollin Hanau ’18

“Make unexpected friendships, whether at meals, in class, or at practice. You never know who could transform your day — or even your life.”

— Helen Downes ’18

“The support from the community here is unlike any other. Be an active part of it, and never be afraid to introduce yourself to new people. You never know who could end up being your new life-long friend.”

—Will McNamara ’18

“Don’t be afraid to be yourself and get a little silly. While high school is partially about academic excellence, it is also about having fun and making meaningful connections with the people around you!”

— Jillian Carroll ’18