Sat. May 4th, 2024

Dear Reader,

The start of April brought a change in the Scroll’s management, and Josh and I are honored and delighted to be leading Volume XCIII of the newspaper! We will alternate writing the Letter From the Editor, and both of us will be deeply involved in the planning, editing, and layout of each issue.

We thank Kevin Chen and Jillian Carroll for leading the Scroll so thoughtfully over the past year and for training us thoroughly during the month of February. We wish them and the rest of the vol. XCII editorial board the best of luck next year and beyond.

We have a lot to look forward to in this volume, including an expansion of the newspaper from 8 to 12 pages!

As always, our primary goal is to inform the Deerfield community about important news on campus and beyond. We aim to publish a diversity of topics and voices in all sections of the newspaper. It is critically important for us as editors to lean into viewpoints different than our own and to publish opinion pieces we might disagree with.

Our own political leanings are completely removed from the topics and people we publish in the Scroll; we will always separate our personal feelings from news articles. As always, opinion pieces are solely the opinion of the writer unless it is a Board Editorial, and we choose which opinion pieces to publish based on relevance to the student body, quality of writing, and complexity of ideas.

As an Associate Editor for the Scroll, I wrote a number of opinion pieces. My politics are not a mystery to the Deerfield community. But in this new role, my job is to make sure all voices are heard and I take that responsibility seriously.

As a newspaper, we will not be silent on difficult issues that affect the student body. I believe that it is the job of a school newspaper to pose difficult, thought-provoking questions with respect and integrity in a way that asks our community to question itself.

We aim to probe deeply into complex events because we believe the newspaper can be part of constructive dialogue between the student body and the administration, which is critical for the success of our school. On occasion, this might mean publishing an opinion or editorial that exposes the weaknesses of our community.

Our goal is to be true to the stories we tell, to follow them where they lead us, and to pursue them with integrity. I recognize that we will not always please the administration and the school community with what we publish. I firmly believe that the highest form of praise for an institution is criticism, as it shows you care.

We all have different roles in making our school community stronger. Please remember that this is always the Scroll’s main goal, and we will report accurately, question responsibly, and care wholeheartedly as we continue to publish multifaceted, complex articles. We can’t wait for the year ahead!

All the best,

Orlee Marini-Rapoport
