Sat. May 4th, 2024

To our seniors:


We’re here to remind you of the promise we made in the dance studio last May to be the class that finally brings “it” back. We’re here to remind you that we’re keeping that promise. In that dance studio, we spitballed ideas to actually implement our master plan to bring it back. Ultimately, it breaks down into the wise words of Captain Deerfield: “Buy in.” Mr. Kelly quoted him at our first sit down lunch as seniors, and we’re quoting him here. There’s no better way to say it. Buying in means  going the extra mile, or the extra ten, and we owe it to Deerfield to do that.

So, just as we promised we would, channel the enthusiasm and hype that the cheerleaders brought out in you at the Stepping Up Bonfire and opening sc. Go the extra mile, show extra gratitude, and be more proud of this school than you’ve ever been. It has a ripple effect, and to implement a positive effect on the juniors, sophomores and freshmen would mean we’ve done our job, and we’ve brought it back. LET THE RE16N BEGIN!


The seniors at The Scroll