Sun. May 5th, 2024

In the frigid months of October through April, it sometimes seems like the cold weather is sent to Deerfield simply to give us something to gripe and moan about. But the resultant aura of depression can become a reality for adolescents already high-strung and overworked.

Deerfield, a traditionalist school, has historically promoted the idea that we can and should tough it out when something as mundane as the weather upsets us. Harsh winters, however, wield the power to cause extreme mental duress, as illnesses like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) prove.

The Scroll recognizes the stigma around consulting a professional therapist, yet we encourage the Deerfield student body to reach out to faculty at the Health Center, who may understand how to help you far better than a fellow stressed-out peer.

We may still hold on to the idea that we can solve our emotional problems on our own, but openness to new possibilites, trust in others and admitting one’s weaknesses are the cornerstones to a happy, healthy community.