Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Summer days drifted away but oh, oh those summer nights. As we head into the carefree months ahead, The Scroll would like to stress one last time the incredible opportunities that Deerfield affords us. This summer we will become world travelers, volunteers, athletes, summer-campers, artists, writers, scientists and so much more, expanding our minds with each world-class program or internship we attend.

Yet in the midst of all this, we must strive to remember that these opportunities are few and far between for the vast majority of the world. This three-month gap in an education often reinforces the gap between rich and poor; the rich send their children to elite programs and foreign countries while the less wealthy kids may have perfectly lovely summers, but without that element of extensive intellectual opportunity.

So as we head into this blissful, youthful time in our lives, let us remember we have an opportunity and a responsibility to continue to develop our minds, expand our horizons and arrive back at Deerfield more eager to learn than ever.