Sat. May 4th, 2024

In light of the recent Supreme Court cases on same-sex marriage, The Scroll would like to formally state our support of gay marriage.

In the past, The Scroll has adopted a pro-gay-marriage bias, but we now believe that an official statement of support is necessary in the current climate. Arguments for and against gay marriage have been articulated not only by the media, but by the United States Supreme Court Justices, guardians of the Constitutional rights of American citizens.

The Scroll feels that same-sex marriage has become an issue of civil rights; in fact, many parallels can be drawn between the movement for gay marriage now and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.

We believe our generation takes tolerance and acceptance for granted. Many of us have grown up in homes and societies that unquestionably accept gay marriage; sadly, that is not the case for most of America. The Scroll recognizes how lucky we are to live in a community that supports the rights of all citizens, regardless of distinctions such as sexuality.

It is difficult to imagine the kind of opposition to gay marriage that permeates societies around the country and around the world. We at Deerfield must always remember how fortunate we are to live in such an accepting community, and so. The Deerfield Scroll states its full support for gay marriage.