Mon. Apr 29th, 2024

Dear Reader:

From passionate editorial meetings to the long hours of layout week, it only feels right to address this farewell letter from all of us—the senior editors of the 87th volume of The Deerfield Scroll. Since last April, we have produced issues and broadsides on topics such as sexuality, hook-up culture, dominant culture, pace of life, sports successes, Academy Events and socioeconomic class. We developed Scroll Online, changed the layout of the print version and organized open forums.

In each issue, we have striven to provide the news and stories our school needs. We have striven to provoke discussion that raises people’s awareness of potential issues and diverse opinions. Most importantly, we have sought the making of a student-run newspaper, a legacy we hope continues in the future.

We believe the ideals of a student-run newspaper are firmly rooted in social responsibility to our student body. We believe The Scroll, or any student-run publication, should be free from the pressure of censorship— whether it comes from ourselves or from external groups such as the Administration, Admissions Office or Trustee Board.

We strive to help Deerfield become a school that is willing to talk openly about controversial and difficult topics. We have taken an objective stance in viewing our school, trying to see it as it is and not as we want it to be.

We love Deerfield—we love it so much that we are willing to risk our individual reputations for changes that could potentially benefit more of us.

We also love our paper— the first writers’ meeting of the month, pizza dinners, pressing deadlines, waiting for Security to unlock the Scroll Room, the associates.

We pulled together as one team with one vision after an unexpected transition in advisorship this September. Thank you to our previous advisors and their powerful legacy.

To our current advisors— thank you for stepping up and allowing us to do what we wanted with The Scroll and supporting us. Thank you to the Communications Office for printing our broadsides. Thank you to Ms. DiNicola for helping us develop Scroll Online and being patient with us every moment.

Good luck to Charlotte Allen and her board. We have complete faith in you.

Scrollio. No regrets.

It’s been one heck of a ride.