Middle Row: Anthony Ferraro, Deb Costello, Chrissy Kopp, Thomas Bergeron, Hannah Insuik
Back Row: Marshall Caroll, Patricia Chambers
Thomas Bergeron, Orchestra and Chamber Music Director, has taught at several colleges, including Williams and Amherst. He is currently the Principal Trumpet for the Springfield Symphony and has two albums. He has “a secret life as a hip hop artist,” has “just started a career as an amateur baker,” and believes “that music has the power to heal our body, mind, spirit, and global social divides.”
Marshall Carroll, Library Director, comes to Deerfield from Mercersburg Academy. He has coached wrestling, water polo, and soccer and led international trips to Poland and Ireland. He is “excited to work with students in many capacities across campus…and looks forward to hearing feedback from students about how the library fits their needs.”
Patricia Chambers, History Teacher, comes to Deerfield from the Taipei American School, previously teaching at the Loomis Chaffee School and working in children’s publishing. Ms. Chambers was co-captain of the women’s varsity swim team at Williams College her senior year. In addition to teaching history, she will be the head coach of the boys varsity swim team.
Deborah Costello, Math Teacher, comes from Trinity Prep School, having previously taught at both Lake Forest Academy and Taipei American School. She has worked for over 20 years at the College Board. She said, “Mathematics is logical, elegant, and beautiful. The fact that it’s also pretty useful is icing on the cake.”
Anthony Ferraro, Physics Teacher, taught at the International School of Berne, Switzerland for the past five years, after graduating from Yale University. In Switzerland, he joined a steel pan group.
Julie Graves, Math Teacher, has taught everything from precalculus to number theory in Fiji with the Peace Corps, at Phillips Exeter Academy, and the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. She enjoys gardening and quilting.
Megan Hayes-Golding, Science Teacher, moved into Dewey with her wife and three cats after teaching for 13 years. She traveled to Deerfield from Atlanta on a motorcycle, a journey that lasted over six days! She “felt connected to the landscape in a way that’s just not possible in a car.” Ms. Hayes-Golding loves geocaching, camping, and hiking.
Beth Hooker, Sustainability Education Coordinator and Assistant Director of the CSGC, lives in Amherst with her husband and two daughters, one of whom is currently a Deerfield student. Dr. Hooker previously taught at Hampshire College and Mount Holyoke College. She will teach environmental science.
Daniel Houston, Language Teacher, comes from the Cardigan Mountain School, previously teaching at other schools and serving in the Marine Corps. Mr. Houston lives with his wife, Ms. Kellie Houston, and his daughter, Evelyn. He grew up on a dairy farm in Contoocook, New Hampshire, and loves pistachio ice cream.
Amanda Howe, Assistant Academic Dean, moved to Deerfield last year after working in independent schools for 25 years. She has four daughters: a training fellow with Ballet Austin in Texas, a sophomore at Deerfield, and twins in ninth grade at Bement. She also has two cats: Puck and Plie.
Callie Hughes, Math Teacher, taught at the Country Day School in Costa Rica for the past two years after teaching at the Foxcroft School for three years. While she still misses Costa Rica, she is “really excited to get back to skiing.”
Erin Hutchinson, College Advisor, worked at the Admissions Office at Washington & Lee University for ten years. She owned a Fiber Arts shop, where she taught knitting, crochet, and quilting — she “brought more yarn and fabric with [her] to Deerfield than anything else.” She has an identical twin and is a black belt in American Freestyle Karate. She lives in the Village with her sons, Jason and Donald, her husband, and a yellow lab.
Hannah Insuik, Science Teaching Fellow, graduated from Deerfield in 2013. She is “excited to work with the counseling center at DA on… breaking down mental health stigma on campus.” Ms. Insuik remarked, “It is an incredible honor of mine to be back teaching among those people who inspired me to teach… and it is great to be back home.”
Chrissy Kopp, History Teacher, has worked in many Deerfield offices and taught at several schools, including Phillips Academy. She enjoys history because “it’s the next best thing to a having access to a time machine, time turner, or the Tardis.” She said, “You may see me around campus with my seven-year-old daughter…Say hi!”
Bakir Mohammad, Philosophy & Religion Teacher, has lived in the UK and Beirut for most of his life. He will be at Deerfield for 14 weeks. At King’s Academy in Jordan, he is part of Department of Ethics, Philosophy and Religion and coaches JV soccer and Ultimate Frisbee.
Patrick Moriarty, College Advisor and Head Varsity Baseball Coach, spent 22 years as a Correctional Case Officer and 12 years as the head varsity baseball coach at Cathedral/Pope Francis High School. Mr. Moriarty was inducted into the Cathedral High School Hall of Fame and won a Western Mass D1 Championship. He lives with his wife, son, and daughter.
Chinyere Odim, English Teaching Fellow, graduated from Swarthmore College in 2017. She grew up in Brooklyn and was captain of her high school’s Varsity soccer, track, and field teams. She’s taken Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish for over two years each.
Forest Reid, Math, Computer Science, and Physics Teacher, taught at several schools, including Northfield Mount Hermon and Burke Mountain Academy. He holds a bachelor’s in astrophysics from Tufts University and a master’s in physics from Brown University.
Elliot Sakach, Math Teaching Fellow, has worked on several political campaigns, including two presidential campaigns, and has worked for a U.S. Congressperson. He has taught many subjects, including Spanish, math, and economics.